Spell Check On Pages For Mac

Check spelling in Pages on Mac. You can have Pages check spelling while you type and correct mistakes automatically. You can also have Pages check grammar and add terms to the dictionary so they’re not marked as misspellings. If you want to check spelling in a different language, first change the language of the dictionary. Turning Off Spelling and Grammar Check in Word for Mac. By default, Word uses red wavy underlines to indicate spelling errors and green wavy underlines to indicate grammatical errors as you type. If those underlines bother you, you can turn off automatic spelling and grammar checking. Method 3: Check the Spelling and Grammar preferences To check the spelling and grammar preferences, follow these steps: Open Word for Mac. On the Word menu, click Preferences. Under Authoring and Proofing Tools, click Spelling and Grammar. The following options should be selected (checked): Check spelling as you type; Check grammar as you type. Pages — the Mac OS X Snow Leopard desktop publishing application — can check spelling as you type (the default setting) or check it after you complete your document. If you find automatic spell-checking distracting, you should definitely pick the latter method.

  1. Spell Check On Pages For Mac Osx
  2. Spell Check In Pages For Mac
  3. Spell Check On Pages For Mac
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Speller and grammar checker

MacOS has a system-wide spell-check feature. Fortunately, for reader JGC, this feature can be adjusted by the user, especially when a problem like his occurs. Recently, the spell-check in Facebook.

We detected some problems on your textWe detected a problem on your textand we could not check it:and we could not check it entirely:
  • sentence(s) not written in English
  • lengthy sentence(s)
Make sure your text is in English.Review your text’s structure and punctuation, then submit it againReview your text’s structure, punctuation, and language, then submit it again
Your text contains many unknown or misspelled words in English.
Your text seems to be in a different language. Click if you want it to be corrected in English
Your text seems to be in French. You will be redirected to French speller in 5 seconds. Click here if you want to use the English speller.

Proofread the examples below:


Get all Reverso tools in one click. Translate directly in your browser.

Here are the types of possible corrections:

  • take => Automatically corrected word, with only one suggestion available.
  • take => Automatically corrected word, with more suggestions available.
  • take => Word detected as wrong for which we have at least one suggestion. Click to activate the correction.
  • take => Unknown word for which there is no suggestion available.
  • take => Synonyms or style suggestions are available. Click to see details and apply changes.
  • take => The word is displayed in purple after a suggestion choice from your side.

What do you do for checking your spelling errors on Mac? Are you using the defraud system developed for iOS? So, you’ll miss a lot as the program does not catch all your spelling problems. However, there are great tools to check your spelling on Mac, and here I’ll show you the best of them.

Because Mac laptops come with great performances and faster CPU and better RAM, they have the opportunity to make your writing experience amazing. But when it comes to correcting your spelling errors, you can’t count on the default system tools as all the other OS.

Find spell check on computer

So, you need advanced algorithms and lots of data to compare the phrases word by word and find every single spelling mistake. Now, let’s find out the Mac spelling checker tools we tried and recommend for all.

How to check spelling on Mac

1. Grammarly spell checker

The Grammarly algorithm comes with an advanced version dedicated especially for Mac computers. What I found compared to other tools is amazing. Grammarly spell checker for Mac Pages and Safari browser work better and find more issues compared to other programs. Even better, it comes with a full grammar check and lots of options to take your writing skills to the next level.

The Grammarly native app for Mac is optimized for speed and never crash your machine. You can just write directly in the text editor, or drag and drop your files into the app. Then starts fixing the spelling problems immediately.

Because there is always a new way to improve the app and make it better, the team adds regular options and fix some issues if they found them. So, there are more updates than any other spelling correction app, and the check will be more accurate and better.

The software has a great contextual spelling check, which means if you use the correct spelling of words, but in the wrong context, you’ll have issues in terms of reading. Luckily, Grammarly has the best feature that detects your spelling issues and suggests the right contextual correction.

After checking your text for spelling and other wiring errors, the Grammarly spell checker extension for Mac or Safari will suggest the right synonyms. That way, you get the best options and multiple synonyms that looks closely related to the terms you typed.

What the Grammarly spelling checker does is more than fixing your writing errors. It takes your writing to the next level with regular improvement updates, fast connection, real-time check and best of all, the most accurate spelling check.

Now, if you really care about your writing, and want to improve it, then you should use Grammarly spell checker for Mac. Here is why, in addition, to the main functions which, is checking your spelling and correct them, the software identifies your most common spelling and grammar mistakes and store them.

Of course, you get a clear report each month for what you improved as skills and what you need to do to make your writing better. That way, you have clear stats about your writing and what you made as mistakes that you should focus on the most.

The Mac native app for spell check work for all, writers, students, freelancer and anyone who look for great results.

The great thing about this powerful tool is that you can use online where you write. So, you can check your Facebook posts, comment for spelling. In addition, you can check your email on Gmail, Yahoo, and others. And of course, you can use Grammarly for WordPress or any other blogging platform or website management software.

2. Ginger spell checker

The Ginger software is the second recommended Mac spelling checker tool. It has different features, but overall, it’s a good option for both beginners and advanced users. In terms of correctly the most common spelling errors, Ginger is not the best, but, it can find a lot of mistakes and suggest the right fixes.

Spell Check On Pages For Mac Osx

Tips to check spelling and grammar on Mac

No matter if the Mac spelling checker software is fast or not, if you run a lot of apps at the same time, that can make things working slower. So, if you want to accelerate the spelling check, you need a fast Internet connection first, and second, the right program.

In my tests, no other spelling corrector and grammar checker beat Grammarly. So that’s what works better for all, professionals, writers and students.

Make sure you have the latest version of the software. By default, the spelling check app will get regular updates. However, if you got a notification to install these updates, then, make sure you allow them. That will fix issues and improve the performance of the software compared to what worked before.

Spell Check In Pages For Mac

If you have a long text, I recommend using the native Mac app instead of the online checker. That will work better and faster. However, sometimes, the app can have a lot of mistakes to fix, and checking your document at least twice will be recommended. So, check it the first time, save it, and then check it another time.

These are the best spell checker app for Mac, if you used any one of them, make sure to share your feedback.

Spell Check On Pages For Mac

I like to hear from you and find what you think about these programs. Not all the tools work the same, some work better for native English speakers and others work best for those who use English as a second language.